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14 • 02 • 2015

Scandinavian cup stage in Latvian skiing centre Madona for the fifth time

Next weekend on 21st and 22nd of February Latvian Skiing Association in cooperation with Madona municipality and society “A-Madona” once again will organize the stage of the Scandinavian cup in cross country skiing in one of the famous skiing center Madona. This will be the fifth year in a row Madona hosts Scandinavian cup in cross country skiing. This year skiers will not compete in the sprint, because both days distance races are scheduled – on Saturday in classical style with interval start 10km for ladies and 15km for men, but on Sunday in free technique with mass start 20km for women and 30km for men. More than 150 cross country skiers from North America, Nordic and Baltic countries and other European states  will participate in Madona.

Latvian Ski Association will organize the second strongest competition in cross country skiing circuit – the FIS Scandinavian Cup – already the eight year, but fifth year in a row it will take place in skiing and biathlon center “Smecersils” in Madona.
It means that this small city in the region Vidzeme will celebrate small anniversary of the fifth year. For the first time this competition will be on the weekend, not in the middle of the week, as it has been before.

Scandinavian cup season started with the first two stages in very famous places – the first stage in the middle of December in home town of 1994 Winter Olympic games in Lillehammer (Norway), but the second stage was in one of the legendary skiing center for more than a century Falun (Sweden), where World championships will start from 18th February. Latvia will host the third stage of Scandinavian cup. For the second time in eight years there will be no sprint event, because competition program includes only distance races with interval start in classical style on the first day and mass start in free technique on the other day. As participants knows from previous years, the course in “Smeceres sils” is quite demanding.

First two stages involved six events with Norway taking 9 victories, but Finland with efforts of Matti Heikinen and Sweden of Charlotte Calla grabbed two and one victory accordingly.

Many years Scandinavian cup stage in Latvia was in the beginning of February, but last two years it has been moved to the middle of February. Therefore last year it collided with Olympic games in Sochi, but this year it will be during the World championships in Falun, when medals in skiathlon and team sprint will be decided. Everybody is welcomed to Madona for the strong and nice competition and have a good luck.


13 Komentāri

Ir kaut kur info par to,kas par dalībniekiem pieteikušies uz SC
19 • 02 • 2015 / 14:19
Super tikai divi latvieši.

19 • 02 • 2015 / 19:46
Ar tādu LV sportistu aktivitāti Skandināvijas kauss var aizpeldēt atpakaļ uz jūras otru pusi uz neatgriezšanos. Cik ilgi norvēģi būs ar mieru vest 2 autobusus ar sportistiem uz Latviju, lai mērotos spēkiem ar 2 letiņiem? Pēc pāris gadiem vispār varēs slēgt "distanču slēpošanas" sadaļu.

20 • 02 • 2015 / 21:54
Norvegji jau nebrauc cinities ar letinjiem, bet pelnit papildu kvotu. Bet piekritu, ka no Latvijas puses nedrikst but tads tukshums, citadi pateiks paldies mums un chau.

20 • 02 • 2015 / 22:19
Sadaļu droši, ka neslēgs, bet izskatās slikti. Linardam gan pietiek dūšas un uzņēmības noslēpot līdz galam. Manuprāt arī tas nav peļami, bet uzslavējami. Savukārt par Kalnupu cik dzirdēju, ka mazdrusciņ sajauktas kārtis. Viņš startēs SC Igaunijā sprintā.

21 • 02 • 2015 / 17:17
Katram atsevišķi un visiem kopā tomēr būtu jāatbild uz jautājumu: Kā tas nākas, ka pēc visas tās šķēpu laušanas, šaušanas sev kāja, naudas šķiešanas, lai tiktu uz Pasaules čempionātu mēs braucam mājās, bet Skandināvijas kausā pašmājās startē 1 dalībnieks?
Un kā tas nākas, ka nav neviena atbildīgā, kas to jēdzīgi spētu paskaidrot un spētu uzņemties atbildību?

21 • 02 • 2015 / 19:45
Tik Dievs tas kungs šajā gadījumā par kaut ko atbildīgs,cilvēka prātam šis pārkāpums nav aptverams, ka daži neapzinīgi elementi nav nostartējuši P.Č un S.Cup kā gribēja visi rakstītāji. Būtu tik vien problēmas šajā mazajā valstiņā.
21 • 02 • 2015 / 23:15
kur Paipals?
Taisnojās tak ka no PČ brauc uz SC.

22 • 02 • 2015 / 10:12
Jānis planoja starteet sprintos SC Igaunijā. cerams, ka apetīte nepazudīs

22 • 02 • 2015 / 11:50
Paipalam jau pietiek spēka tikai uz 1,5 km.
22 • 02 • 2015 / 13:23
Eu siikais kaa sauc tevi?
22 • 02 • 2015 / 13:47
22 • 02 • 2015 / 19:45
Pietiek vai nepietiek , tš jsu viņsa darīšana. slikti ir tas, ka mājās palicēji pa pilnu programmu aprēja tos kas tur pa Zviedriju ņēmās, bet šeit Madonā neviens nevar atvilkties. šīs nedēļas nogalē tak maču nekur nebija.

22 • 02 • 2015 / 23:12
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