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FIS Latvijas Čempionāts

12-13 • 1 • 2013 / Priekuļi

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Download the Official Invitation with more detailed information

Official Team Entries must be sent to [email protected] not later than January 6, 2013. Total entry fee for both competitions – 20 EUR, for one competition – 10 EUR. Fee can be paid via bank transfer (not later than January 8, 2013) or in cash at the competition office before start bib pickup. You will find full infromation about intries in the Invitation.

Competition Venue
Competition venue map:, Competition venue is located in ski-biathlon centre “Priekuli”. Distance: 7km - city Cesis, 90km – Riga, 130km – Oteppa. Centre has hosted FIS World Cup Rollerski in 2004 and 2005, IBU European Championships Summer Biathlon 2005. Ski stadium home page:

Accomodation Info
Cesis Tourist Information Centre
Pils laukums 1, Cesis, LV-4101
Phone: +371 64121815, Fax: +371 64107777
E-mail: [email protected]
List of accommodation places: 

Organizing Commette Contacts
Latvian Ski Association
Grostonas Str. 6B, Riga, LV-1013
Phone: +371 67387716, Fax: 67387717 email: [email protected], website:

Competition Programme
Frifay, 11th January

  • 15.00 - 17.00 Official training

Saturday, 12th January

  • 9:30 – 10:30 Distribution of starting bibs (Ski stadium building)
  • 10.00 Team Captains Meeting (Ski stadium building)
  • 10:50 Official opening ceremony (Stadium)
  • 11.00 5km Interval start C Ladies (2x2,5 km)
  • 11.30 10 km Interval start C Men (4x2,5 km)
  • 12.30 Official Prize giving ceremony
  • 15:30 – 17:00 Official training for Interval start F

Sunday, 13th January
  • 9:30 – 10:30 Distribution of starting bibs (Ski stadium building)
  • 9:30 – 10:30 Official training for Interval start F
  • 11.00 5 km Interval start F Ladies (2x2,5 km)
  • 11.30 10 km Interval start F Men (4x2,5 km)
  • 12.30 Official Prize giving ceremony 

Pieteikšanās Latvijas Čempionāta sacensībām notiek līdz 11.01.2013. pl. 16.00 aizpildot pieteikuma formu 

Click here to view list of participants

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