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Baltijas kauss I

5 • 8 • 2012 / Jolumae, Igaunija

Nevene Rollerski Marathon is the only of its kind in Estonia. In 2012 it is being held for the fifth time, again in Jõulumäe Sportscentre situated 20 km south from Pärnu City. On August 5th 2012 everyone is welcome to put on rollerskis and go for a 42 km marathon distance or only half of it. We also have a special class for those competing in classic technique! If classic is your preference, then use your chance!

Jõulumäe track is 3,5 km long and 3-5 m wide. The asphalt circuit goes up and down the sandy hills between beautiful pinetrees. Come and ski those 16 laps to complete the 42 km marathon!

Take a look at the pictures that follow the whole track from the start to the finish! The gallery consists of 73 pictures made in early spring (ignore the snow and dirt on track, this has long gone by now). Click here -

For registration, please fill in the entry form and pay the participation fee after receiving an invoice from us.

Nevene Rollerski 2012.jpg

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