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FIS Rollerski World Cup

11-13 • 8 • 2017 / Madonas pilsēta

Latvian Ski Federation in cooperation with Madona Municipality invites you to 3rd stage of FIS World Cup Rollerski 2017 stage event. 

Organizing committee

Chief of organizing committee: Guntis Ķeveris
Chief of competition: Gunārs Ikaunieks
Latvian Ski Federation race director: Juris Pīpkalējs
Competition secretary: Jānis Irbe
Chief of timekeeping: Uldis Brīze
Chief of course: Arnis Šmugais
Chief of security: Dimitrijs Kohanovs
Official speaker: Ivars Bācis
Chief of medical service: Māris Gailums 

Competition jury

FIS TD: Necati Caplan (TUR)
Chief of competition: Gunārs Ikaunieks (LAT)
National TD Assistant: Jānis Puida (LAT) 

OC contact information

Latvian Ski Federation, 6B Grostonas Str., Riga, LV-1013, Latvia Phone: +371 67387716, Fax: +371 67387717, email: [email protected], website:

Competition programme

Thursday, 10th August

14:00-15:00 Unofficial training at 2,5km Smecersils course, Classical technique only
15:00-16:00 Unofficial training at 2.5km Smecersils course, Free technique only
17:30-19:00 Official training for Sprint Madona city, Raiņa Street (right lane only can be used)
20:00 Team Captain meeting Smecersils recreation center main building

Friday, 11th August Sprint (F) Competition*

08:30-9:30 Distribution of Classic rollerskis for ALL ATHLETES at Smecersils !! TEAM Captain must be present at the equipment distribution
09:30-10:30 Official training for prologue (C) at 2.5km Smecersils
15:00-15:50 Official Training for Sprint 200m course Madona city, Raiņa Street
15:50 Official opening ceremony Madona city, Raiņa Street
16:00 Sprint Qualification: JL, SL, JM, SM (interval 15 sec)
17:30 Sprint Quarterfinals (1-16 from qualification, 4 athletes in heat) JL, SL, JM, SM
18:00 Semi-finals: JL, SL, JM, SM
18:20 A finals: JL, SL, JM, SM
!! 18:30 Flower ceremony after finals (athletes must wear bibs)
19:00 Prize giving Ceremony Madonas city convention square
20:00 Team Captains’ Meeting (Madonas city municipality headquarters)
*Updated after TCM on 10th August, 2017.

Saturday, 12th August Prologue (C) (classic rollerskis supplied by OC)

09:30-10:30 Official training for Pursuit: JL, SL 2.5km Smecersils course
10:30-11:30 Official training for Pursuit: JM, SM 2.5km Smecersils course
14:30 Distribution of Classic rollerskis JL, SL, warming up for Prologue 2.5km Smecersils course
15.00 Prologue 5km C Junior Ladies, Senior Ladies (2x2,5 km)
16:00 Flower ceremony JL,SL
16.00 Distribution of Classic rollerskis JM, SM, warming up for Prologue 2.5km Smecersils course
16.30 Prologue 7.5km C Junior Men, Senior Men (3x2,5 km)
17:30 Flower ceremony JM,SM
19:00 Team Captain meeting Smecersils recreation center main building

Sunday, 13th August Pursuit F (Own frames/ wheels provided by OC)

9:30-09:55 JL, SL, warming up for Pursuit
10:00 Pursuit 10 km F Junior Ladies, Senior Ladies (4x2,5 km)
10:30-10:55 JM, warming up for Pursuit
11.00 Pursuit 15 km F Junior Men (6x2,5 km)
11:40-12:05 SM, warming up for Pursuit F
12.10 Pursuit 15 km F Senior Men (6x2,5 km)
13.00 Official Prize giving ceremony for Prologue and Pursuit  Smecersils recreation center

Team entries

The final entry must be sent to the Organizing Committee not later than JULY 27, 2017 on the official FIS-application form to [email protected]. Besides official entry form data each athlete must indicate type of ski bindings (SNS or NNN) she/he will use.


EURO 60 person/day in standart room (max 2 persons in one room.) EURO 70 person/day in single room (max 1 persons in one room.)  The hotel offer include food and accommodation.  For accommodation reservation, please contact OC: [email protected] PLEASE NOTE: For accommodation OC will ask prepayment. Payment must be done till 7 august.

Team transportation

Teams arriving or leaving by plane will be offered 1 free of charge transfer per team from Riga (RIX) airport to the venue and one from the venue to the airport. The arriving and departing times and number of persons have to be communicated to the organizer latest 27 JULY, 2017. by email [email protected]. Any extra transportation can be arranged by OC for an additional charge.

Competition venue

Race offfice and prologue/pursuit courses are located in sports and recreation center "Smeceres sils". Venue home page: Competition venue map: Distance from Riga airport – 160km.

Race office working times

Thursday: 12:00-20:00, Friday, Saturday: 9:30-20:00, Sunday: 8:30-14:00

Competition rules

- FIS Rollerski World Cup and World Championships Rules (vers. 2017).
- Stage event rules apply. Only entry for the all competition in event is possible.
- International Competition Rules (ICR) Cross-Country/Art.396 Roller Skiing
- juniors must be 1997-2001 years of birth. Competitor must have reached his 16th birthday before end of calendar year.
- Guidelines for Rollerski Equipment Specification and Control
- Sprint Finals will be organized starting with 1/4 finals with top 16 from qualification and with 4 athletes in a heat.

Rollerski equipment

- For Prologue competition OC will provide classical rollerskis. Wheels material – rubber with nr 2 speed
- (+/-  Frame material – aluminium, length – 700mm wheelbase, weight – 1900g)
- For Pursuit competition OC will provide skating wheels. Wheel material – PU, wheel hardness 80 shores
- Width of skating wheel hub is 24 mm inner distance between bearings is 10 mm, 608 bearings in use.
- All rolleskis (and wheels on Sunday) will be marked. Draw of rollerskis will be done during TC meeting on Thursday, 10TH august. Distribution of Skating official wheels will be done during after TC meeting on Friday, 11TH august.
- Technical sponsor ELPEX (Sweden).

Additional info

- Live competition results will be available on
- PDF results, pictures and more info will be available at
Race office has free WI-FI internet access. There will be 2 standalone PC available for visitors.

For detailed information (prize money, race course information) please download the official invitation.

1 Komentāri

sveiciens visiem slēpošanas entuziastiem,

beidzot varēs redzēt un novērtēt Brīzes, Rauguļa un Pīpkalēja darba augļus pēdējos gados, kad tūkstošiem eiro gan ziemā, gan vasarā ieguldījuši visiem labi zināmā sportistā Ingmārā Briedī.

Tā būs iespēja publiski LSF vadībai atskaitīties par lietderīgi iztērētajiem desmitiem tūkstoši eiro līdzekļiem, baudot un lepojoties ar Ingmāra Brieža rezultātu šajos mačos. Lai izdodas!

Ingmārs Briedis noteikti ir labs cilvēks, nekā personīga! Sapratīs par ko ir runa:)
30 • 07 • 2017 / 07:16
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