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02 • 03 • 2016

This weekend Latvian cup and FIS competition in alpine skiing in Sigulda

This weekend, on the 5th  and 6th of March, in Sigulda will take place  the second stage of Latvian cup in Alpine skiing, organised by Latvian Skiing association. This will be second time, when Latvian cup will be as FIS race, because the first time was six weeks ago, when first stage of Latvian cup in alpine skiing took place.  Competition programme is identical to first stage, what means, that participants will compete in in two disciplines – giant slalom and slalom.

The feelings from exciting competition atmosphere last weekend in Baltic cup in Kakishkalns has not been vanished yet and emotions are still in the air, but alpine skiers already are preparing for next one. They are getting ready to dive in the excitement of competition for forthcoming second stage of Latvian cup, which will take place this Saturday and Sunday. This will be also FIS category race. In the elite group all three Baltic countries will be represented, but in the Youth groups will join alpine skiers from another two neighbouring countries – Belarus and Russia, which were present also in the first stage of Latvian cup and also last weekend in Baltic cup.

On the first day is provided giant slalom, but on the second day alpine skiers will compete in slalom, which for elite and junior groups will be FIS ENL competition.

In the morning their competition will start elite, juniors and masters, but in afternoon on the slope we will see youngsters from three youth groups (U12, U14, U16). Last weekend Belarussians showed strong resistance to local alpine skiers, on Sunday grabbing two out of six victories in youth groups, and being so close to third one. They were very happy and satisfied not only with the results, but also with the organisation of competition, what they expressed after the award ceremony. Also Lithuania, Estonia and Russia had some podium places, so they are eager to earn some more this weekend. We are wishing to all participants pleasant competition atmosphere and good results!

Ivars Bacis

This weekend Latvian cup and FIS competition in alpine skiing in Sigulda

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