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Baltic Cup

21-25 • 3 • 2011 / Suomutunturi


Baltic Cup 2011 alpine ski competition rules

Organizing committee
The organizing committee of the Baltic Cup 2011 consists of the officials of the Lithuanian Ski federation in collaboration with the officials of the Latvian Ski Association, hereinafter referred to as the SF Lithuania and LSA.

Race schedule

  • 21. march - SG official training (groups - A, B, C, E, J, S)
  • 22. march - SG race (groups - A, B, C, E, J, S)
  • 23. march - GS race (groups - A, B, C, E, J, S)
  • 24. march - SL race (groups - A, B, C, E, J, S)
  • 25. march* - GS race (group - D)

 * march 25th also the reserve day if the weather is bad

The Baltic Cup 2011 competitors are divided into the following age groups:

  • Elite E -  Born in 1991 and older
  • Juniors J - Born in 1991- 1995
  • Seniors S - Born in 1976 and older
  • Group A - Born in 1996/1997
  • Group B - Born in 1998/1999
  • Group C - Born in 2000/2001
  • Group D - Born in 2002 and younger
The first three owners of the best results are awarded with Baltic Cup trophies.
The best result owners of the 4th, 5th and 6th places are awarded with diplomas in all age groups. 

Logging for the race

The application for participation in the race can be submitted by an individual person, club or the team captain who represents the specific athlete.
The application must be submitted electronically by means of registration in the Latvian Ski Association website or by an electronic mail to [email protected]
The registration must take place no later than 5 days before the race.

Membership fee

The membership fee is 15 EUR for one participant in each discipline.
The membership fee must be paid till 18:00 the day before the official start of the formal training.  

All racers competing in the Baltic Cup events must carry accident insurance, in sufficient amounts to cover accident, transport and rescue costs including race risks.
The National Associations are responsible for adequate insurance coverage of all their rac ers sent and inscribed by them.
The National Ski Association or their competitors must be able to show proof of the respective insurance coverage at any time on request of the organizing committee, one of its representatives or the organizing committee.

Statute for the force and its amendments 
The Rules are in force for a period of up to the coming changes.
The organizing committee is entitled to amend the Regulations.
The Baltic Cup official communication languages are English and Russian.
Baltic Cup 2011 is not a FIS race, and FIS points will not be calculated.

For full regulations please read Baltic Cup 2011 rules (ENG)


2 Komentāri

Vai 1998.g.- 1999.g. jaunieši daudzi brauks? Ir zināms, apmēram 1/2, vai cik?
17 • 02 • 2011 / 18:57
Starp citu, ir brīvas divas vietas līdzbraukšanai uz Baltic cup. Pilna komplekta cena ( ceļš, prāmis, māja, ēšana, kalna karte) - 345 Ls. Izbraucam sestdien. Ja vēl kāds sataisījies pēdējā brīdī, tad zvaniet - 29119997.
16 • 03 • 2011 / 15:50
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