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Baltic Cup 2013

18-22 • 3 • 2013 / Suomutunturi

Date and venue
The organizing committee of the Baltic Cup 2013 consists of the officials of the Latvian Ski Association (Organizing committee). The competition will take place in Suomutunturi, Finland form March 16th - March 23rd.  

Race program

  • March 16 - Official day of arrival
  • March 17  - Unofficial training day
  • March 18  - Official training day for SG (Grupām: U16, U14, U12, E, U21, M)
  • March 19  - SG/SC race (Groups: U16, U14, U12, E, U21, M)
  • March 20  - GS race (Groups: U16, U14, U12, E, U21, M)
  • March 21  - SL race (Groups: U16, U14, U12, E, U21, M)
  • March 22* - GS race (Group: D)
  • March 23 - Official day of departure

* March 22nd is the reserve day in case of cancelation.

Dalībnieki Baltic Cup sacensībās tiek sadalīti sekojošās grupās:    

  • Elite E - Born in 1996 and older
  • Juniors U21 - Born in 1992 - 1996.
  •  Meistari M - Born in 1978 and older
  • U16 grupa - Born in 1997/1998.
  • U14 grupa - Born in 1999/2000.
  • U12 grupa - Born in 2001/2002.
  • D grupa - Born in 2003 and younger.

Entry for the race
The application for participation in the race can be submitted by an individual person, club or the team captain who represents the specific athlete. The application must be submitted electronically by means of registration in the Latvian Ski Association website or by an electronic mail to [email protected]. The registration must take place no later than 5 days before the race.

Entry fee
The membership fee is 15 EUR for one participant in each discipline. The membership fee must be paid till 18:00 the day before the official start of the official training or the race concerned.

All racers competing in the Baltic Cup events must carry accident insurance, in sufficient amounts to cover accident, transport and rescue costs including race risks. 

For more detailed information please refer to the Official invitation and Competition rules.

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