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Jõulukarikas Christmas Cup

26 • 12 • 2014 / Väike Munamägi

Organising authority
Nordiko Sportclub

Time and date
26.12.2014, Väike-Munamäe


The competition will be governed by the rules as defined by FIS and could be changed regarding the conditions (e.g length of track).

The competition is open to following groups:

  • U14 (born 2001-2002)
  • U16 (born 1999-2000)
  • U21 (born 1994-1998) Adults (born 1993 or earlier)

Within the competition there will be held Estonian Championship in slalom in U16, U21 and adults groups.

All competitors shall complete registration by e-mail or phone and the entry fee must be paid before 24.12.2014 at 18.00. e-mail: [email protected] phone: +372 53 46 1998. Late entries will be accepted under payment of late entry fee and in condition that competitor will start in the end of his/her age group.

Entry fees
Entry fee shall be paid by bank transfer to Nordiko Spordiklubi account in SEB bank: IBAN EE281010220018530015, SWIFT EEUHEE2X, stating the name and age group or name of club (if paying all in once) in payment details, or a late entry fee in cash before 8:00AM 26.12.2014. There is also an opportunity to registrate all members of one club in once forwarding a MS Excel fail to chief judge. (Last name, First name, Group, Year of Birth).

Friday, December 26th

  • 08:00 End of registration
  • 09:45-10:05 Course inspection 
  • 10:10 First race start
  • 11:00-11:20 Course inspection 
  • 11:25 Second race start
  • ASAP prize giving ceremony

Meeting of coaches and officials will take place 25.12.2014 at 21.00 in Munamäe Cafe. Bib numbers will be provided at the meeting. If there is no representative of competitor, numbers will be given in the race day morning.

Estonian Ski Association alpine skiing sub- committee leaves itself an opportunity to make changes in schedule for good reasons (e.g. weather). The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury prior, during or after the race.

Chief judge: Jan-Erik Luik, [email protected]+372 53 46 1998

Course masters
Nils Kroon ja Peeter Siim

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