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Baltic Cup 2015 2. posms

21-22 • 2 • 2015 / Kordes trase

Due to snow conditions the race is moved to a substitute course (Kordes trase).

Latvia Ski Association has the pleasure to invite participants from all countries to the Baltic Cup competition in alpine skiing from 21st to 22nd of February 2015. Baltic Cup competitions for the 1st time will be held in “Pilsetas Trase” in Sigulda Latvia as FIS races for FIS athletes and national level races for U12, U14, U16. You will find all the important team-related information in the official invitation.

Latvia Ski Association
Grostonas street 6b, Riga LV-1013
e-mail: [email protected]
tel: +371 29 283000; Agris Raugulis Secretary General of Latvia Ski Association

Organizing committee
Vairis Brize Latvia Ski Association, President
Guntis Civcs Latvia Ski Association, Vice-President
Dinars Dorss Latvia Ski Association, Board Member
Agris Raugulis Latvia Ski Association, Secretary General

Organizing committee contact persons
Chairman of the organizing committee: Vairis Brize
e-mail: [email protected]

Chief of race: Dinars Dorss
phone: +371 22020308
e-mail: [email protected]

Race secretary: [email protected]
Phone: +371 29283000

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