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FIS Baltic Cup 1st stage

3-6 • 11 • 2016 / Snow Arena, Lithuania

Online registration closed November 1st, 21:50 EET.

Indoor ski arena “Snow Arena” and Latvian Ski Association has the pleasure to invite participants from all countries to Baltic Cup competition in alpine skiing from 3rd to 6th of November 2016. Baltic Cup competitions for the 3rd time will be held in Lithuanian indoor slope “Snow Arena” in the town of Druskininkai, Lithuania. You will find all the important team related information in the official invitation.

Race program

For detailed information about the race program and parallel slalom rules please download the official invitation.

  • 3.11.2016. Baltic Cup “Snow Arena” Lithuania Druskininkai. SL FIS ENL U21; E; M.
  • 4.11.2016. Baltic Cup “Snow Arena” Lithuania Druskininkai. SL FIS ENL; U21; E; M
  • 4.11.2016. Baltic Cup “Snow Arena” Lithuania Druskininkai PSL Top 16 from the 4.11. FIS ENL SL and M combined.
  • 4.11.2016.19.00 Opening ceremony, Awards and PASTA PARTY in “Snow Arena”
  • 4.11.2016. Team Captains meeting for SL  U12; U14; U16  at 20.00.
  • 5.11.2016. Baltic Cup “Snow Arena” Lithuania Druskininkai SL U12; U14; U16;
  • 6.11.2016. Baltic Cup “Snow Arena”  Lithuania Druskininaki SL U12; U14; U16;


Rules for the Baltic Cup 2016/2017 competition will be published on the website and 

Race office and team captains meetings

Race Office will be located the same place where the races will be held at „Snow Arena” address: Nemuno road 2, Mizarai village, LT-67308, Druskininkai municipality and will work daily from Wednesday, 2nd November from 17:00. Race office closes one hour before each team captains meeting. The first team captains meeting will be held on Wednesday, 2nd November 20:00.


Snow Arena, Arturas Bikulc, Chief of Course, Phone: +370 686 12853, E-mail: [email protected]
Race secretary, Agris Raugulis, Latvian Ski Association Secretary General, Phone: +371 29283000, E-mail [email protected]

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