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Burton Baltic Rookie Challenge 2011

20 • 2 • 2011 / Lemberga hūte



The competitions is meant to be for riders who are born between 1991 and 2003. All riders will be split in the girls and boys divisions according to their year of birth respectively: Junior girls for those who were born in between 1991 and 1995 including Junior boys for those who were born in between 1991 and 1995 including Youth girls for those who will be born between 1996 and 2003 including Youth boys for those who will be born between 1996 and 2003 including

The qualifications are usually held in two jam sessions. During the riders meeting you will be assigned a place in one session. As a consequence, you get 75 minutes to show Your style and get attention of judges. Girls have six (6) starting slots available in the finals, the Junior and Youth boys get ten (10) for each category. Your two best runs and Your bonus points for variety of tricks decide whether You make it into the finals.

In the finals we will see who is who :) You have two runs, the better one counts.

There will be plenty of cool prizes from Burton, Anon, R.E.D. and Sniegaklubs for three top ranked riders in each division.

Entry conditions
For detailed description of entry conditions please check the waiver. If You agree - and depending on Your age (if You are younger than 18 years of age) your parents - agree to the conditions fill in the waiver, sign it and bring it along to the inscription on contest day. Wearing a helmet during training and competition is mandatory! As well it is advised that You use other safety equipment in order to insure Your of safety and health condition during the event. All in all we have 80 starting slots for competitions thus we need to be sure

Entry fee
We do not charge entry fee, but You will have to buy lift ticket at special price for competitors. Latvian currency is Lat, 1 Lat=1.42 EUR. It is recommended to have a change of Latvian currency.

Please fill in the form (all fields mandatory) until February 15, 2011 00:00 PM. All in all we have 80 starting slots for competitions thus we need to be sure that all who registered appears on event. So we count on your fairness and kindly ask to follow these simple rules: - ONLY register if You actually plan to come to participate in the competitions; Please send us an email if there is anything that prevents You from coming over; We will be thankful If You respect other motivated riders and act fairly.

Registered riders need to show up at the race office till 9am on contest day. Take with You signed waiver. If You do not show up in time Your registration expires.Those who missed online registration can sign up on contest day depending on free starting slots or registered riders who do not show up in time. The last minute registration procedure will end by 9am. The race office is located in Lemberga Hūte, Ventspils and You will not miss it if You follow the signs. All related information will be found at the race office.

Waiting lists
In case of a fully booked competitions we will open a waiting list. This will enhance your chances of taking part in competitions.

Check full rules

In order to know whatʼs new within the competitions You have to fill in carefully Your email address as we will be sending out all related information by email regarding any changes of the competitions or latest registration results for You to know. 

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